
Kingpin is an American crime drama television series which debuted on the NBC network in the U.S. and CTV in Canada on February 2, 2003 and lasted 6 episodes. NBC's answer to The Sopranos and also influenced by The Godfather, Macbeth and Traffik, the story was about a Mexican drug trafficker named Miguel Cadena and his family life. It was to be followed by a television series, but low ratings canceled those plans. Commercials for the mini-series on NBC featured the song "Más" by the Mexican band Kinky.

Type: tv

Season: 3

Episode: 1

Duration: 1h 0m

Release: 2003

Rating: 6.3

Season 1 - Kingpin
"As Miguel is warned by Lupita, who forsees of a black cloud looming over his impending deal with a Thai heroin cartel; Delia is crushed after she's transferred out of El Paso. Klein's ex-wife (Sean Young) comes back with a high-priced demand that forces the doctor to take drastic action."